Not only do I have a good understanding of where to find what because of my time as a Stylist, I also spend a vast amount of time doing research, keeping up with trends, latest releases and collaborations, new styles etc, due to the fact that I am a Fashion Write for an upscale lifestyle magazine. It is my job to know what is hot, and where to find it. Knowledge is everything for me, which is why I know exactly where to shop for what. Shopping and deciding on what outfits to wear, can be stressful and time consuming, particularly if you do not know where to get that which is appropriate for any said occasion or vacation. Get in touch to discuss
Personal style is not something that can be defined with clear boundaries. What works for one person, does not necessarily work for another. Knowing how to create the perfect outfit for an occasion, or even just learning how to create stylish daily looks which enhance your personality and taste, is crucial to looking good, feeling great, and presenting oneself with complete confidence. Having dressed women of all shapes and sizes, and all ethnic backgrounds for all sorts of interesting and unusual occassions, I have learned what suits different body shapes. Indeed, no matter what shape you are, you can look fantastic. The key is understanding what cut and style will bring out the best in you.
Time to fill up your wardrobe? Or perhaps you wish to clear it out? Maintenance and coordination of one’s wardrobe can be time consuming, but very rewarding if done right. But who has the time to do that ? Having one’s wardrobe organised and manageable is an absolute luxury, and helps save time and gives one the confidence of always having the right looks to hand as and when needed. One of the most essential elements of maintaining a good standard of living, is a neatly organised wardrobe, arranged by style, colour and / or season. Together we will do a full evaluation of your wardrobe, whilst deciding what works and what does not, so let me into your wardrobe and lets get your lifestyle styled to perfection.
I am a former Plus Size Model and Fashion & Food Stylist, Artist, Author, Film Maker, and Lifestyle Columnist with a focus on food, fashion, trends, lifestyle and conscious living.
Many would argue, that the concept of style is subjective. It is not one thing or the other, but a myriad of artistic expressions, personal tastes and individual perceptions… so I will address that for a moment:
Firstly, artistic expression is the very essence of fashion. As for taste and perception, well they are inextricably linked as one very much determines the other. However there is very definitely such a thing as “good taste” and “bad taste”, the boundaries of which are fluid and tend to shift with the changing of the times. I can already hear the “Free Expressionists” chanting cries of “Be Free, dress how you like”… and indeed, I do encourage freedom of expression.
Fashion Styling
Wedding Styling
Food Styling
Fashion Shoots
I have worked on hundreds of shoots for all sorts of campaigns and projects, but most significantly, being hired by the most recognised brand name in the world as a stylist, in charge of the artistic direction of their commercial shoots, and thus I was in charge of creating the promotional imagery of said brand, a multi billion dollar brand, household name, and one of the fastest moving consumer products in the world.
It must be said upfront that as much as I am about pushing the boundaries artistically – because above all things, i am an artist – there are definite DO and DON’T list when it comes to creating the perfect look, no matter what the demand of the occasion. There is definitely a hit or miss factor when it comes to one’s choices in apparel.
Check out my personal vintage collection, which has been a collection of epic pieces of apparel over a life time in media, as well as special pieces that I use for photographic shoots, and which are made available to the public for sale.
I try always to embrace practicality and comfort as my primary objective to dressing. Knowing how to do that stylishly is where the skill comes in. It is a skill that translates to ones environment, living, entertaining and food presentation choices. Follow my work and media, and learn the art of styling, presentation personally and in your environment, as well as in your practical artistic expressions opportunities present in every day routines such as food preparation.
As a former Plus Size Model, Stylist and Fashion Writer, I love the challenge of being able to make anybody look good enough to turn heads. There is beauty in all of us, and knowing how to put that on display, is my talent. Don’t be a fashion victim. Take control of your personal identity. Get in touch and let me assist you to discover and develop your own personal style.
Get in touch for a consultation