Posts by Mel Ve

HELLO 2023

I have been living in the Algarve for almost 6 years now…  My husband is Dutch, and prior to moving to Portugal, we lived in The Hague, from where we ran a live broadcast network called Conscious Consumer Network.

Being in media, I have come across all sorts of people in my life.  I have seen and learned things that would shatter the realities of the average Joe.  I understand how the world works.  I know that the only way to beat the powers of darkness it to be in a space of l0ve.

And thus, I arrived in the Algarve with an open heart, ready to embrace all who came into my path, and willing to share love, offer help, and generally, be a part of a greater community.  At the end of the day, this has been the ultimate focus of my work for many years prior.

From almost the moment I arrived, there has been one toxic person after another, causing havoc in my life.  People used and abused me, drained me, vampired off me, until there was literally nothing left, and we were left broken and empty by the time the Covid hit.  Our business was dead as a result, and when we had nothing left to give, everyone scattered.  Nobody was there for us, despite how much I give continuously gave to the community.  In fact, certain acts of kindness, actually brought a whole bunch of people into my life that caused such havoc.


I used to regularly give away Colloidal Silver to anybody who needed it, as I make it in abundance.  It still costs me to purchase bottles, and it takes time to make the handcrafted labels.  So there is cost and effort involved in the process.  It is not like I just have a whole bunch of ready packaged bottles laying around to give away.  Nonetheless, being a big fan of natural remedies, I have always tried to educate people by sharing these remedies.  I would put a notice out on Facebook, asking for people to let me know if they wanted Colloidal Silver, and people would let me know.  I would post the list to confirm who had gotten in touch.  I would then deliver the remedies to various people up and down the coast, and I would do this with no cost to anybody other than myself.

It is astonishing to think that doing such a good thing, could have such devastating  consequences, just because of the vile rubbish that I came to know through the process of distributing free Colloidal Silver.  It is from this that I met animal lover Albertina Mol, who introduced me to  Joanne Eastman.  From this toxic alcoholic tramp, I was introduced to several people who have gone on to cause untold drama in my life, including Elaine Archer and Lisa Clare Brull.  Full details of their transgressions are well documented and undisputed.  Thankfully we have fully recovered from all that drama.

The second part of 2021 provided us with the opportunity to regroup, and regain control over our finances.  We worked hard and had an epic year… and just as we got on top of things, folks came back wanting a piece of me.  Funny how they are never there for us when we are down.

As an independent media journalist, I have found myself in the position where people latch on to me, because they believe that I am of benefit to them in my capacity as a journalist.  I was sucked into activist groups by people who claim to want to change the world, but are unwilling to look at themselves first to make the change.  Such groups inevitably end up going nowhere, and before I invested too much time into a rabble of fools, who were only using me, I exited.  One of the most empowering things I have ever done.

In 2022 I decided that I did not want to get involved with anybody in the local community.  We did our thing, focused on our business, stayed mostly isolated… and it was our best year in the Algarve to date.  One of the many things we did was to travel to South Africa for a family wedding and to say goodbye to my Father who passed in November 2022.

Here is the simple truth:  We don’t need other people.  We are actually very happy for people to just fucking leave us be.  When we are doing well, everyone wants to jump on our train and take take take.  When we were struggling, few if any were of any real support or help.  We are better off without all the users, dead beat hippies, the losers, the fakers, the “we want to change the world, whilst still remaining bloody awful people” people…  Selfish, entitled people do not make the world a better place, because they are part of the problem.

Covid and all that came with it has had a terrible effect on so many people, not just the damage done by the vaccines, but also the collective trauma and head fuckery that came with it.  I do realise that there are many people worse off than they were before, both financially and mentally.  I do not wish to seem unkind by dissing anybody, or diminishing their experience…  We had to pull ourselves out of a deep hole, and we did it, and then some, and we did this with absolutely no support network around us, and no government support… and very little family support (as they are all abroad) … And so I just find myself in a place where I just can’t feel sorry for anybody anymore.  I am here to take care of myself and my family.  And guess what, we are better off than we have ever been, and stronger for the experience.  We are wiser and more savvy.


For all those people who tried to hurt us,


Because we have the one thing that nobody can beat… and it is something we have in abundance… LOVE!


Peace Love Unity Respect

Mel Ve





Mel Ve |

Although we have been told that the Covid “vaccine” is not mandatory, and we have a choice as to whether or not to accept it, many people out there are losing their jobs for refusing to be vaccinated.  The key to not getting vaxxed, patticularly if one is under duress from the workplace, is to NOT REFUSE the vaccine.  Rather, one should write an CONDITIONAL LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE to one’s employer stating the following:



Thank you for your concern with regards to my wellbeing and those of my colleges.  It is great to know that you, our employer, is concerned with our health, and I wish to do everything in my capacity as a ………(occupation) to ensure that we maintain the integrity of the work environment so that everybody can remain happy and healthy.

I hereby formally and officially accept the vaccine under the advisement of ………(employer) with the CONDITION that you can provide me with the following:

Due to the fact that I am accepting a vaccine under the advisement of ……… (employer), please could …………….(employer)  provide a letter of liability, stating that you will be responsible for any medical expenses and subsequent damages in the advent of vaccine injury.  Could you also state in this letter that you will be providing funds for my family, should there be any permanently debilitating harm and / or loss from the vaccine resulting in my inability to perform my job as a result of injury or death.

Since …………..(employer) has deemed it necessary to have the vaccine in order to fulfil my job, the liability for potential loss and / or harm, legally lies with ………….(employer).

Due to the fact that the virus is continually mutating, please could you provide an isolated sample of the virus which causes you the most concern, so that I may get the correct vaccine.  According to the World Health Organisation, there are several different strains of the virus, and several different vaccines, and not all vaccines work on all viruses.  In order to make a proper effort to maintain my health, and thus, the health of my colleges and work environment, please could you provide me with a isolated sample of the virus you deem most threatening to us in our work environment, so that I can make an accurate choice as to what vaccination to take to ensure maximum protection, for the sake of my colleges and I.

I wish to thank …………..(employer) in advance for your care and due diligence in this regard.
I look forward to getting my vaccination.
Kindest Regards
………………………… (employee)


To obtain an isolated sample will not cost more than around 200 euros.  The procedure to isolate a sample of viral material is called ‘DNA centrifuge isolation’, which is a simple process that even a second year Biology student can perform.  There are plenty of commercial laboratories and testing facilities that can perform DNA centrifuge isolation, particularly for the food and medical industry.

(It is important to bear in mind that as of  28 September 2021, 110 institutions and offices in well over 20 countries have responded to Freedom of Information requests asking to “show us the virus”, and none have provided or cited any record describing “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification.)

Once this letter has been given to an employer, the burden of responsibility has been put upon them to provide you with answers and assurances, which they will not be able or willing to do.  By law an employer cannot fire you for refusing to be vaccinated, as technically you are not refusing, just requesting that they provide you with assurances and information, which they simply are unable to do.
Mel Ve is a vaccine injury survivor, suffering disability due to childhood vaccine injury.  Mel Ve has been exposing the dangers of vaccines for over a decade.


Picture of me, Mel Ve… a fitting tribute to trips down the WRONG RABBIT HOLE –

THE WRONG RABBIT HOLE | The absolute dishonesty and fraudulence of most corporate mainstream media is now common knowledge.

The rise of Alternative and Independent Media over the last two decades, has facilitated a mass awakening of people to the fact that we are systematically lied to and programmed into believing a false version of reality via the modalities of religion, education and mainstream media, all of which are controlled at a by a power elite via their global intelligence network.   However, the power elite have long since realised that we are waking up to their game… And thus a counter intelligence movement was created to curve the effects of Alternative and Independent Media.

An important aspect of an individual’s awakening to the true nature of our reality, is the first step away from the mainstream narrative, and where they land.

This journey of discovery is a gauntlet of challenge for the newly awakened, filled with cleverly dressed up indy news outlets, alternative media platforms and humanitarian causes, that only serve to allow one to feel as if they have found their way clear of the mainstream media lies, but will only serve to spoon feed the most irrelevant and outlandish information, made to look like the most cutting edge truth that one will find no where else.  This is what is known as PERVERSION DIVERSION.  The issue with such groups, be they new belief systems such as the New Age movement and their Ascended Masters; Better-world-ment / New Earth groups, such as those that claim to give you sovereignty or even financial independence such as the Free Money Cults, the many Kangaroo Courts that have sprung up, the many Hidden History / Lost World genres such as the Mudfossil University and Tartaria groups, and yes indeed, even pseudo political groups such as the Green Party, Ubuntu Party and the Q Anon groups, is that they seem like what the newly awakened have been looking for, however, as this is just an extension of the same mainstream media manipulation, these groups will ultimately lead the newly awakened astray.

Whether or not they are aware or not, these New Paradigm cult like groups actually serve the power elite by creating diversions from the truth.  These groups take on cult like behaviours, complete with core shaping ideologies, and even engaging in cult shunning for anybody daring to question said ideologies of said group, resulting in a digital psychosis manifesting in damaging online cults.  This is indeed one of the biggest distractions, and dare I say, dangers, of the online environment.  That being said, this does not mean said cult groups will not drop some truth, even ones that may seem important, but when it comes down to what matters, such groups lead to nothing of actual importance.  Always try to remember what the awakening process is all about, and that is TRUTH.  Truth is always provable.  Truth is always singular.  Any versions of it are untruths…. And the great thing about truth is, there is always evidence to back it up.  Truth does not need a movement, only lies do, because solid evidence speaks for itself, no movement needed.

With over a decade as an Independent Investigative Journalist, documentarian and author, moving in the world of Alternative and Independent Media, as co founder and creative director of Conscious Consumer Network, and having trained numerous Independent Media Journalists in the skills of research via my Journalism academy, I have personally encountered many individuals, groups and media outlets that put out sensationalistic false information, and with all the experience I have in this area, they are so easy to spot.  Whether or not they are aware, these purveyors of falsities are secretly serving the powers that be, by continuously pumping confusing disinformation into the online stratosphere. We simply can not create a better world on the back of lies.  It is the drive to seek truth and create a better world that motivates me to call out the falsities that ensnare vulnerable people with deliberately misleading information.

Over the years, I have published a number of exposes, which are done with the intention helping people find their ways clear of the lies and manipulations of falsities.  I have exposed many of these false prophets and provided concrete evidence of my claims, which have never been disputed.  But no matter how obvious it is that a particular person or media platform is operating in a highly unethical manner, and that they are clearly not focused on truth or creating a better world – rather just enriching themselves, or creating a group of devoted followers, – some people are just so desperate to cling to their newly found pseudo truths, given to them by their newly found saviours, the so-called gurus of “truth”, that they attack the exposers for exposing the frauds, instead of recognising them and thanking the exposers, who often spend much time and effort investigating and compiling the evidence pointing out the deceptive  elements, under much abuse and duress from the very people we are trying to help.  These exposes are done so that I can help awakening people not get sucked up into following more lies and deception, however those who expose the frauds will often be accused of being jealous of the exposed party, or seeking to deliberately cause conflict.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  In fact, it is the drive to seek truth and create a better world that motivates me to call out the  falsities which inevitably distract, divert and even cause loss and harm to vulnerable people.

For those who have followed along with my journey of discovery over the past two decades, you will be well aware, that everything I put forward as my own work, is based on solid research and evidence, all of which is published in the public domain, in order that the public can see it for themselves, and make up their own minds about what to believe.  To date, none of my work has ever been disproven.  At no point have I ever set out to shape anybody’s narrative.  That being said, I recognise the platform I have, and take great pride in my documented works, which are only ever intended to help people deconfuse themselves from deliberately misleading disinformation.  And indeed, it does get really frustrating seeing good, well meaning people, going to far down the wrong rabbit hole.  I always encourage a healthy curiosity, but when people seize upon a pseudo genre, and encompass it as part of their external locus of identity, I really have to question their intentions and their integrity.


The overall premise of what in present times is deemed as TARTARIA, is an alternative history, consisting of technologically advanced “TARTARIAN” empire, emanating from north-central Asia or thereabouts.  These TARTARIANS either influenced or built vast cities and infrastructure all over the world. The reality is that TARTARIA, or “Tartary”, has never been a coherent empire.  It did exist, but rather it is a general term for north-central Asia, more specifically, Russia and Mongolia.

TARTARIAN believers postulate that either via a sudden cataclysm or a steady antagonistic decline — and perhaps as recently as 100 years ago — TARTARIA fell. Its great buildings were buried, and its history was erased. After this “great reset,” the few surviving examples of TARTARIAN architecture were supposedly re-cast as the work of contemporary builders who could never have executed buildings of such grace and beauty, and subjected them to clumsy alterations.

A dedicated group of YouTubers and Reddit posters view countless discarded pre-modern beauties and extant Beaux-Arts landmarks, as artefacts of a globe-spanning civilization called the TARTARIAN Empire, which was supposedly erased from the history books. Adherents of this theory believe these buildings to be the keys to a hidden past, clandestinely obscured by The Powers that Be..

But WHO and WHY? And to what possible end? Who and what would benefit from obscuring the so called TARTARIAN Empire?

As in many other more high-profile conspiracy theories, the TARTARIAN genre offers nothing much in the way of practical considerations, logic or evidence. But it’s grounded in some real anxieties, pointing toward the changes wrought by the modern world in general and modern architecture specifically.

TARTARIAN advocates share the belief that there are two very different types of architecture:

There’s modern architecture of square concrete boxes which are designed to be produced very fast, very cheap and very effectively produced.  And then there’s TARTARIAN architecture, a label that gets applied to anything that’s particularly ornate and pre-modern, without taking into consideration the clearly distinguishable and obvious differences in architectural styles of the past.  The term is also sometimes used for some non-Western structures, like the Taj Mahal. Structures that seem geographically or culturally dislocated, like the Beaux-Arts commercial buildings in Shanghai’s Bund District, are particularly attractive to this theory, as are those that are impressively massive, like Stone Henge, the pyramids of Egypt or the Great Wall of China, all built, or so TARTARIAN Theorists believe, by TARTARIANS within the last 100 years.

This photograph from 1914 shows one of the lintels being replaced during restoration work on the Stonehenge

One of the pictures which as been seized upon by TARTARIAN advocates, as supposedly absolute and indisputable evidence of the fact that Stone Henge was in fact a TARTARIAN structure built within the past 100 years, is photos from 1914 showing restoration work being done on this ancient megalithic site.  TARTARIAN advocates claim that this picture evidences the building of Stone Henge within the past century, when in fact, it was one of a series of restoration efforts that have happened in the past 120 years or so.  At no point do TARTARIAN advocates bother to simply Google “old photos of Stone Henge”, a search term which produces numerous images of Stone Henge, both in photography from the 1800’s, and artworks from the mid 14th century, which depict Merlin building Stone Henge.  And therein is the problem.  TARRARIAN advocates will not do any research that could potentially disprove their far fetched claims.

A mid-14th-century manuscript illustration showing the wizard Merlin building Stonehenge. This idea, explained by Geoffrey of Monmouth in his ‘History of the Kings of Britain’ in 1136, was widely accepted until as late as the 16th century


A photograph of Stone Henge taken in the 1800’s – This categorically disproves that Stone Henge was created within the last 100 years as TARTARIAN advocates claim.


A picture that has been in Queen guitarist Brian May’s collection, is believed to be the oldest picture of Stone Henge in existence and dates back to the 1800’s. Notice the same vantage point in the photo of Brian May (left) and the photo from the 1800’s (right). Also notice that in the old photo (right), one of the megaliths has toppled over, evidencing the fact that restoration (not construction) work was done at a later stage.




A rare photograph of the Pyramids taken in 1870  –  This categorically disproves that the Pyramids of Giza were created within the last 100 years as TARTARIAN advocates claim.

An acquaintance of mine actually wrote the following on a Facebook TARTARIA group:

“I bet we can find pictures of the pyramids being built in the last 100 years.”

And thus, instead of just idol speculation and far reaching, unsubstantiated claims, I rose to the challenge and actually went and Googled pictures of the pyramids being built in the last 100 years, and I could not find one single image of the pyramids being built within the last 100 years.  However I did find several photographs and drawings of the Pyramids of Giza, from the 1800’s, which categorically disproves TARTARIAN advocates and their idol speculations with regards to the age of the Pyramids of Giza.  The actual age of the Pyramids of Giza has in recent times been a contentious issue, but the actual “pyramid age” debate focusses on whether the great Pyramids of Giza are the commonly accepted age of 5000 years old, as postulated by Egyptologist Zahi Hawass, or are they indeed much older, possibly reaching back as for as 13,000 before present time.  At no point would any serious academic, researcher, journalist or historian settle on the age of the Pyramids of Giza being anything less than 5000 years old.  In fact, when the lower chambers of the Pyramids of Giza were explored in the 1800’s, salty sea water was found, and traces of Sodium Choride (sea salt) was found on the walls of the chambers within the pyramids, indicating that the Pyramids of Giza were at some point flooded by sea water, originating from what we reference as the biblical floods, an event which happened at least 12,500 years ago.

Another picture from the 1800’s of the Pyramids of Giza, showing the body of the Sphinx buried in sand



Anywhere there’s a perceived gap between the refined craftwork of an old building and the “primitive” technology of the horse-and-buggy-era people building it, space for TARTARIAN speculation pops up.  This genre of information has expanded like a primordial ooze, to envelope other far fetched blogosphere fantasies including some outlandish theories such as mountains are indeed burnt or melted buildings, as are sea caves, and many other natural geological formations, whilst ignoring reliable sciences such as Geology, and without every having visited said sites to see the geology for themselves.

The TARTARIAN milieu is an intensely visual medium, occupied with riffing on photos and maps, picking out apparent inconsistencies and making one-off conjectures, instead of weaving together comprehensive timelines, whilst failing to back said claims with any comprehensive, solid evidence.  The theory is notably light on reasoning as to why and how the greatest cover-up in history was undertaken, but it does offer a few options for how TARTARIA was erased and the great reset propagated. Many say that an apocalyptic mud flood buried its great buildings; some suggest the use of high-tech weaponry to tactically remove TARTARIAN infrastructure. A consistent theme is that warfare is an often-used as a pretext to wipe away surviving traces of TARTARIAN civilization, with the two world wars of the 20th century finishing work that may have begun with Napoleon’s invasion of Russia A.K.A TARTARIA

Despite their interest in architecture, most Tartaria theorists do not appear to have backgrounds in the building trades: Many of the more easily refuted arguments spring from very basic misunderstandings of how the built environment works, as well as broader confusion about how buildings function in the economy and culture de jour. An abundance of posters appear convinced that below-grade basement windows in older buildings, for example, are evidence that the building had been inundated by a mud flood, and the rest of the structure is actually buried deep underground.  It beggars belief that people don’t think about the most logical conclusion, which is that when many of these grand, ornate buildings of yesteryear were built, they did not have electricity, and thus, building windows at basement level allowed for light to come in so that builders and craftsmen, could see what they were doing.  In fact, building never took place at night, and Kerosine or oil lamps were banned from buildings under construction, due to the fact that they may pose a fire hazard, thus threatening the newly built structures often crafted with flammable materials such as wooden frames.  Imagine just for one moment, trying to hammer a nail without any light.  In order to build any structure, light is needed in order to see the construction process.

When it comes down to it, and all the evidence is weighed and considered, the whole TARTARIA landscape is just gusher of outlandish speculation.  There is no consistency, no evidence, and it would seem that adherents can pick and choose which elements they want to sign on to, which means that everybody has different versions and nobody actually has the truth, and as I have already said, truth is singular, all versions are untruths.

The truth about TARTARIA is as follows:

The word TARTARIA or TARTARY, was a blanket term used in Western European literature and cartography to reference or label a vast part of Asia, bounded by the Caspian Sea, the Ural Mountains, the Pacific Ocean, and the northern borders of China and India.  Western Cartographers gave the name TARTARY / TARTARIA to a region that was largely unknown to European geographers. The active use of the TARTARIA toponym, can be traced from the 13th to the 19th century.

In European sources, TARTARY became the most common name for Central Asia in a series of negatively coloured names that had no connection with the real polities or ethnic groups of the region.  Until the 19th century, European knowledge of the area remained extremely scarce and fragmentary. In modern English-speaking tradition, the region formerly known as Tartary is usually called Inner or Central Eurasia.

TARTARY was not a country, nor an empire, but rather a European name for a region poorly understood by Europeans, who were extremely ignorant and out right racist and dismissive of anybody who was not like them.  Ignorance surrounding TARTARY’S use as a place name has spawned conspiracy theories on the internet including ideas of a “hidden past”.  Indeed, there is a hidden past.  I personally have written books about our hidden past.  However, one need only look at the etymological roots of the word TARTARIA, to better understand what the word TARTARIA refers to.

The word ‘etymology’ comes from the Greek word ‘etumos’, which means ‘truth’.  The truth about TARTARIA is that it was named as such by people who lived outside of the region, as TARTARIA  was “the land of the Tartars”, which originates from the Latin etymon “Tartarus”.  This label was used to reference the hordes of Ghengis Khan (1202 -1227) who were said to be “Tata”, a derogatory name for the Mongols.  The root of the word for TARTARIA, picked up dualism in its meaning to references someone that came from Hell.  Indeed, the Latin word “Tartarus”, means ‘hell’, and that anybody from Tartaria / Tatarus was from ‘hell’ or a bad and evil place that should be looked down upon, which was a common aspersion of Roman Catholic controlled Western Europe.

An example of this can been seen in a letter of St. Louis of France, 1270:

“In the present danger of the Tartars either we shall push them back into the Tartarus whence they are come, or they will bring us all into heaven”.

The word TARTARIA originates from a historical word for what now are references in ethnological works as Tatars, which were a Turkic people, and their native region was east of the Caspian Sea.  Ghengis’ horde was a mix of Tatars, Mongols, Turks, etc.  The word TARTAR or TARTARIANS was thus used figuratively, negatively and dismissively for “savage, rough, irascible person”.

To ‘catch a Tartar’ was was a phrase used in the 1660’s by Western Europe, and allegorised the process of ‘getting hold of what cannot be controlled’, inferring that the TARTARIANS were considered to be lawless, uncontrollable and barbaric, and of course, of a non-Christian nature.  Any culture that was not Christian, was viewed in a negative light.

To be a TARTARIAN meant to be akin to a BARBARIAN.  In fact, the word BARBARIAN comes from the negatively toned word “Berber”, which is a reference to the Bedouin tribes of North Africa, that were also viewed by Western Europe as rough, unclean, uncontrollable savages, in much the same way as the Tartars were.

The region of North Africa inhabited by the ‘Berbers’ was henceforth referenced as BARBARY, much like the the area inhabited by the ‘Tartars’, was references by ignorant and assumptive cartographers of that era as TARTARY.

To call a Russian or a Mongol, a TARTARIAN, is actually a cultural faux par, as this word is as insulting to them as the word ‘Nigger’ or ‘Kafir’ would be to a person of African origin / descent.  In fact, at the same time Western European cartographers used the word TARTARY on maps, they were also using the label of “Negroland” on maps of Africa, from which the world ’Nigger’ is derived, in order to place a label on the African Continent, in accordance with their ignorant perceptions, which was rooted in their dismissiveness and outright disgust for anything that was not civilised, sophisticated and indeed, Christian.  This was a most common practice of the dominant Christianised culture of Western Europe, sanctioned at the highest levels of society, particularly the ruling class, royals, and indeed, the Roman Catholic Church.  In fact, Cartographers of that era were largely educated and trained in their field, by the Jesuits, a Roman Catholic organisation.

So many well meaning people have been sucked into these pseudo genres in quite a cult like fashion, and anybody that dares to question their assumptions or speculations, is usually met with dismissive, condescending comments such as “Open your mind”, as if their mind is more open because they make speculative conjectures without solid evidence.  It has become a bit of a cult based on speculative conjecture, and very limited evidence, much like religion… And like most cults or religions, those who dare to offer an alternative to this narrative with solid evidence to refute such speculations and assumptions, are minimised and shunned.

There is much in the way of hidden history and lost worlds to explore, without the need to make up pseudo genres, which ultimately, lead to nothing of actual importance, and most certainly do not provide answers or solutions to our troubled world.  The reality is that many self styled truth seekers just do not know what constitutes solid evidence, nor do they bother to research deeper than what suits their own narrative, and thus, they get easily swept up in sensationalism because they lack solid grounding, thus distracting them from the truth. 

To those people I say WELL DONE… You have managed to play right into the hands of the the Powers that be by steering people away from fact based truth and solid research based on evidence.  Whether you know it or not, you are part of the problem, not part of the solution.  You are not on the side of truth or change for the better when you pursue this avenue.  Furthermore, you are insulting an entire culture by using a term that is meant to be a derogatory reference to said culture.

Why do this?  Why get so distracted with stuff that simply does not matter and does not make the world a better place?

Do you feel good about yourself when you participate in this environment?

Be honest and check yourself.

Going down the wrong rabbit hole, will get you all very lost, and unable to discern fact from fiction.

Furthermore, those who trust you, will be dragged down that dead end rabbit hole with you, and will end up being just as lost.

Who does that benefit? 

The controlling elites who have systematically lied us about our past.  It contributes to their cover up of the truth.

How does this make the world a better place?  It doesn’t. 

In fact, it makes it worse because it takes us further and further way from freedom…

Because, only truth can set you free.


Peace Love Unity Respect

Mel Ve







CRY MY BELOVED COUNTRY | Those who know me or follow my work, you may be very well aware that I am South African, and proudly so.  I could not think of a better country to be born in and grow up in.  My South African heritage has been a driving force in much of my media work and activism throughout my media career, despite having lived abroad for over two decades, a decision which is not necessarily my choice… Nor is it by choice that I continue to live outside of South Africa.  Indeed, I have been homesick for over two decades now.

I was born in South Africa in 1976, and I vaguely remember the so called “Apartheid” years of the 80’s, as I was too young to fully comprehend it to it’s fullest extent.  By the time I hit high school, South Africa was moving from the Apartheid dogma, into an era of so called “democracy”.  In 1990, Nelson Mandela was released from jail, and 1994, my first year of University, Mandela became the first black President of our beloved country, beginning the era of the Rainbow Nation.  My formative years of influence were rooted in the concept of unbridled FREEDOM and EQUALITY, for indeed, I was part of the Rainbow Nation generation.

The maxims of freedom and equal rights were imbued in me, and defined me as a person, and that has never changed.  I evolved from childhood through my teens, and into adulthood, with the influence of creating a better world, and always aiming to do better than we did before.  In my adult life, I have been an activist, still espousing these very same maxims and ideologies.  I believed in them then, and I still do.



In 1994, I thought that South Africa was on the up and up, and that we were part of something great.  We were witness to one of the greatest and most progressive moments in history, and I was ever so full of optimism and hope for the future of our country.  By the time I finished my studies, that had changed, and in 1999, I was part of the Great White Exodus, as an entire generation of white South Africans left the country, to seek out a better life abroad.  By 1999, the writing was on the wall, as policies of Black Economic Empowerment began to take effect, and Affirmative Action meant that the white South Africans were not favoured for employment and opportunities.  The situation had become that of a Reverse Apartheid, and thus, like almost my entire high school graduating year, I went abroad, choosing London as my jumping off point… And I have been homesick ever since.  For the first decade away from home, I just believed that the sacrifice of giving up my home country, my childhood friends, my family, were the price we had to pay for the so-called crimes of Apartheid.  The longer I was away, the more I began to question whether that was actually true or necessary.



My own personal awakening process into the true nature of reality, included learning the truth about my Boer ancestry, and unlearning the false version of history we were taught at school.  I was so dedicated to this process that I penned a book entitled THE SOUTH AFRICAN GUIDE TO THE GLOBAL CONSPIRACY, and made two documentaries, including my controversial offering entitled LAST OF THE BOERS and CECIL JOHN RHODES – NEW WORLD ORDER FRONT MAN.  Since then, I have gone further back into the history of Southern Africa to write my book THE GREATEST DISCOVERY, and make my ground breaking documentary SECRETS OF THE KALAHARI.  My media output included a live broadcast show that I co-hosted with fellow South African Expat, Karin Smith called STOP SOUTH AFRICAN GENOCIDE, which aired live on CONSCIOUS CONSUMER NETWORK, and included interviews with people from across the world, all of whom offered interesting insight into the truth about South Africa in the present day, and in the past.  What an incredible learning experience that has been, and I am ever so grateful that I took the time to explore the facts and learn the truth.  Indeed, it has been a privilege to gain such knowledge, for many are ignorant of these facts.



My own personal activism resulted in me filing a case for genocide at the International Criminal Courts in The Hague, where I chose to base myself throughout this battle to bring justice to the century long genocide of the Boers / Farmers (‘Boer’ is an Afrikaans / Dutch word for ‘farmer’), which had largely been ignored by the International community.  Unfortunately, by the time our third application had been submitted, South Africa just decided to remove itself from the ICC Treaty in order to avoid prosecution.

Application receipt to the ICC

Due to all my work, I was appointed as the International Media Advisor to the Royal House of the Khoisan Nation, being the First Nation of the territory today known as the Western and Eastern Cape.  I served the Khoisan King as an advisor for a year exactly, and resigned amidst the corruption and infiltration into the secession efforts of the Sovereign State of Good Hope.  I still hold out hope for an independent Cape, free of the corruption of the African National Congress Communist / terrorist regime that currently rules South Africa, and support many “Cape Exit” groups that have formed.

Appointment by Royal Mandate



The economy of South Africa has been in free fall for a number of years, as the African National Congress government has robbed the taxpayers of billions, resulting in South Africa being declared as “Junk Status” by the International Monetary Fund, resulting in many South Africans coming to the realisation that South Africa was indeed better off before the Presidency of Nelson Mandela, than it was after.  The native people of South Africa are no more free or economically abundant, in fact, it has only deteriorated.  The infrastructure of South Africa has crumbled due to the corrupt politicians who run the country, stealing from the tax payer, and not funding the upkeep of essentials such as electricity.  The power stations and power grid has not been maintained or expanded to keep up with the growing population.  This has resulted in a phenomenon known as “load shedding” which means that for up to 12 hours a day or night, South Africans, rich and poor, are without electricity in their homes.

Past 18 months, it has gotten particularly worse with the onset of Covid, with many people losing employment, going bankrupt, going hungry and even committing suicide.  This has all contributed to a tone of disgruntlement amongst an exploding black population, who still blame the whites for all their problems, despite the fact that the whites have not been in power for over 27 years.  In fact, the white population is now at less than 5%, and we are now the marginalised minority under the policies of Black Economic Empowerment.



Riots and protests are common in South Africa, and indeed I have been in the thick of some very scary angry black protesters on campus when I was a student.  I have seen first hand the destructive capacity of the angry black mob, having run for my life and having to hide away in campus buildings, followed by a 3 month closure of our campus due to the destruction of said angry mob.  However, this recent spate of riots, are by far the worst our beloved country has ever seen.  The scale of the devastation and scale of the financial cost and losses are the worst in our country’s long and torrid history, due to the wide scale looting and destruction of businesses, shops and community infrastructure, much of which has happened in my home province of Kwa-Zulu Natal.


These riots were supposedly sparked by the jailing of former President Jacob Zuma, a man who robbed the country blind, and has been embroiled in much corruption and scandal from the onset, to the closing of his presidency.  In fact, his jailing was one of the very few moments of justice for our country, nonetheless, Zuma supporters have gone ballistic.  My home country has been torn apart by an angry mob.  My family and friends are locked in their homes, scared and nervous, unable to sleep with the sounds of continuous gunfire and explosions.  Factories and warehouses have been set ablaze.  Stores and indeed, entire shopping malls have been looted and destroyed.  Over the past few days, my Whatsapp has been non stop with horrific images and messages coming in, detailing the devastation.  It has been so hard to sit and watch this from afar, whilst communicating with my family trapped inside their homes.  My family are nervous and anxious.  Nobody knows how far this onslaught will go.



All the retail stores and warehouses that have been burnt down and looted are no longer operational, and thus, there will be massive unemployment due to this looting.  They may even have to close temporarily or permanently, as there is nothing to sell and they will have to repair their premises before opening again.  The sector that supplies those stores is the wholesale and manufacturing sector, they will have an excess of product, with nobody to buy said product.  The wholesale and manufacturing sector will have to get rid of staff, resulting in yet more unemployment.  With less people going to work, the transport sector will suffer, along with various other sectors.  I have just gotten reports through my home town community in Umhlanga, a relatively wealthy and upmarket community that has not yet been hit with riots just yet, that there is no food in the shops, because people have been panic buying.  The queues are over thousands of people long, and nobody knows when stores will have food again, because the warehouses that supply the shops have been burned down and the trucks blown up.  Those who have supplies stored will be okay for a while, but that too will run out.

A Fertiliser warehouse was set on fire, and the water that the fire department used to bring the blaze under control, has many toxic chemicals, which has gone into the storm drains, and is now pouring into the ocean, resulting in the poisoning of picturesque beaches such as Umdloti, as seen in the above video.

So what comes next?  Unemployment and mass starvation, even in the affluent areas?   Food and fuel shortages are expected, which will result in a food crisis as prices go up, effecting the poor greatly.  The ports in Kwa-Zulu Natal have been forced to declare force majeure and send trade ships away.  This will have a devastating effect on the economy and supply lines, and even the economies of neighbouring countries, and indeed international mineral trade, as a very large percentage of the world’s minerals comes out of these ports.

Queue to buy food at Windermere Centre taken on 15 July 2021

All over the greater Durban area, long queues several kilometers long, were to be seen outside of the shops that were not looted.

A message from a childhood friend in the affluent suburb of Umhlanga Rocks, came to me via my WhatsApp saying:

“I went to Pick n Pay today… Was in the queue at 7:30am and got into the store at 11:15am.  There were approximately 2000 people ahead of us.  All we managed to get was 2 packs of chicken livers, 2 packets of soup, polony, 4 rolls of toilet paper, cat food, sugar, 1 packet of spagetti, 2 pasta mix that you add with water and nothing else.”

There is no fresh food, such a vegetables, milk, eggs or bread.  People are being limited to purchasing a maximum of 10 items to stop panic buying.


Above is a video taken of the queue at Virginia Circle on the North Coast of Durban.


What has however given me much hope, in the wake of all this disaster, is how the local communities, white, black, Indian, you name it, in my home province, have pulled together to protect their communities and fight back.  The police and military are overwhelmed with the onslaught of the mob, and ordinary citizens, taxi drivers, people with legal firearms, have taken to barricading off the densely populated residential areas, and fighting off the angry mob in order to stop them from getting into the home and private residences.  Sadly some of the angry Indian community of greater Durban have lost businesses, and become very angry, resulting in the burning of squatter camps, and the beating and shooting of young blacks, and of course, this only angers and inflames the onslaught of the mob, creating further motivation for the destruction.  The death toll of this crisis is rising every hour, and we anxiously await the end of it all, and the restoration of some semblance of normality.


My Mother Skype called me, to tell me how her Muslim neighbours knocked on her door and gave her milk, flour and oil, which can not be found in shops.  Food is being flown in from the Cape by private citizens who have chartered private planes to get supplies to KZN.  Farmers have sent messages around saying that they would deliver food to affected areas directly.  Other folks have been driving in truck loads of bread into Durban for distribution.  South Africans have realised that the government has failed them, but what they do have, is each other, and they are pulling together.



To the black people of South Africa, who say Africa is for Africans… know this:

I may be white, but I am African.  I am descend from the original white tribe of South Africa, being the Boers.  I do not identify with any other nationality.  I was born there and my ancestors have lived their for over 350 years.  My people fought two wars to keep the Globalist / Imperialist powers out of Southern Africa, the very same powers that are now destroying the country.  These were called the Freedom Wars, (or as they have become known in history, the Anglo-Boer Wars) which is why you have places with names like Orange Free State and Vryheid.  We lost over 60,000 women and children to disease and starvation in the concentration camps as a result of Imperialist / Globalist actions against the original white tribe of South Africa… and we continue to suffer ongoing targeted genocide at the hands of the oppressive African National Congress regime.  Many of us have had to flee abroad, in order to escape economic depression and discrimination, giving up friends, family, loved ones… and nothing, and I do mean nothing can ever replace that.  I was part of the Rainbow Nation Generation.  I was not part of the generation that oppressed the black people of Africa.  I believed and still do believe in FREEDOM and EQUALITY for all, nobody excluded.  I wanted nothing more than to live in peace, side by side with my fellow Africans, be they Zulu, Xhosa, Indian, Khoisan, Cape Malay, or what ever.  I want nothing more than to see South Africa flourish, and for all people to be happy, healthy and thriving with abundance… For when that day comes my dear brothers and sisters of Africa, I can return home.  I can reclaim the heritage that has been lost to me for all these years.  I can once again experience the magic, the mystery and the beauty of my homeland…  And South Africa will always be my homeland, no matter how far I travel, no matter how many years may pass.  I AM AFRICAN… and I always will be!



I recently wrote a blog post about the XENOPHOBIA that the Expats who live here in Portugal are subjected to at the hands of the Portuguese.  I just wanted to add a caveat to that blog:

Often I have been told by this or that Xenophobe, “go back to your own country”… Well I would love to.  Most South Africans who live abroad are not there by choice.  They would much rather be living in South Africa, for indeed, it is a magnificent and beautiful country, far more so than any country I have ever visited, and I have travelled far and wide.  Most South Africans who choose to make Portugal their home, do so because it is the most similar country in Europe to South Africa.  It gives us a little semblance of home away from home.  It is incredibly hurtful and insensitive to tell us “go back to your own country”, making us feel very unwelcome in Portugal at times, because even in our own country of birth, we are not welcome, just because we lack the necessary melanin pigment beneath our skin.  We are indeed in exile, economic and political refugees.  We would love nothing more than to not have to be here.  Everyday I dream of moving home with the hopes that South Africa will get better… but the more time goes on, the more I realise that this may never ever happen!


The common lesson for all to learn here is that, whilst we are fighting each other, we are distracted from the true enemy, those behind the scenes manipulating the conflict.  What we need is a revolution of heart and mind, whilst uniting on our common ground, being the pursuit of a free, fair, peaceful, just, sustainable, non-toxic world.  I still live in the hope that one day, maybe one day, I can go home to a country, healed of its wounds, and on its way to a better place!


Peace Love Unity Respect

Mel Ve










MORALS & DOGMA – The eternal challenge to a reality where every decision one makes in life, revolves around monetary resources, is how to maintain a moral high ground, and not succumb to unscrupulous, immoral and unethical choices out of greed.  There are many out there who will do anything for money, including stealing, lying, cheating and getting involved in all manner and means of dodgy activity.  The corrupt governments of the world, and indeed, the New World Order, is one such example which everyone can relate to.  On a more acute level, I have had to deal with all sorts of situations in my life, where my morals and ethics were put to the test.

When I first moved to London, I was in my early twenties, and at that stage, I did not really know who I was or my place in the world.  I worked for blue chip companies and in media positions, which all had elements which would cause concern for the soul of a truly awake and spiritually aware person.  I often found myself in positions where my morals had compromised, or in certain situations, I did not even realise that what I was involved in was inherently damaging or could cause loss and / or harm to others, because I was young and naive.  My tenure in London taught me much about the kind of person I wanted to be, but more specifically, what I did not want to be.  It was a time of defining my moral parameters, a time where I lost and found myself several times over.

When we left London and moved to the Hague, I really came into myself (through various processes which shall not be the subject of this blog), and realised that I could never be part of anything that was unethical or would cause loss and / or harm to another.  I simply could never again work in a soul destroying job, nor would I ever again compromise my integrity for a pay check.  My husband and I began our journey into creating revenue streams that were beneficial to humanity, being part of the solution, rather than being part of the problem.  This was the best decision that we ever made, as this journey threw us head first into a world of growth and discovery.  I went from working in the toxic world of mainstream media, to starting my own independent media platform called Freedom Central, which launched in 2009and with that, came my books and documentaries.


During the preceding 10 years, I had started writing a book so many times, but never really felt connected to the subject matter in a meaningful way.  When I found myself, and I mean truly discovered who I was and my place in the world, my purpose so to speak, I also found my voice.  I became an internationally recognised Independent Media Journalist, with my books and documentaries being appreciated by people from all parts of the world.  I have been interviewed countless times by various radio stations, media networks and other independent journalists.  I attended numerous conferences and presented my work to an international audience.  Indeed, taking the step from a lucrative career in mainstream media, to a less lucrative in independent media, was good for my soul, but not so good for my wallet.  That being said, I have no regrets, and despite the sacrifices I have had to make, I like who I am and what I have become, and nothing and nobody can put a price on my personal happiness and inner peace.

Conscious Consumer Network

Since going indie, we have expanded our enterprise into various avenues.  In 2015 we started Conscious Consumer Network, an independent live broadcast network of professionally produced content which featured broadcasters from 5 continents, and which has to date put out over 5ooo live broadcasts in multiple languages.  With all this experience in media, I also started my renowned Journalism Academy, and have trained people who have gone on to become some of the biggest names in independent media.


I also delved deep into my own personal body of research, which manifested as the cumulative body of work known as Dragonology, and my book Spell Breaker, which to me, is still one of the things I have done of which I am most proud.  Through my research, I had the opportunity to work with and learn from some of the most amazing academics, which culminated in my book The Greatest Discovery, which is a chronicle of the oldest and largest ancient advanced civilisation to yet be discovered / identified… and it was MY discovery, due to my work.  In anthropological and archaeological terms, that is HUGE!  It may mean nothing to the average pub going football watching Joe Public, but my work is not for them.  My work is aimed at people who have a genuine interest the human story, and true facts pertaining to our history on planet Earth, which is far removed from the misinformation we get indoctrinated with at school and via mainstream media.

The Greatest Discovery

Through my journey came the inevitable reality of dealing with my own personal self healing.  I was fortunate that one of the very first people I got to interview, was a lady by the name of Desiree Rover, who introduced me to the concept of the great medical divide, as well as igniting my interest in natural medicine, whilst also educating me to the perils of the Pharmaceutical industry.  Over the past 12 years, I have had the great opportunity to learn from many traditional healers, shamans and indeed, qualified Homeopaths and Naturopathic Practitioners.  I completed a course in Herbalism and Natural Medicine, and have made, sold and given away, some of my own remedies under my Algarvian Life brand, such as my epic Lunar Silver, my probiotic artesian produce, and my toxin free personal care range.  I also teach courses in Herbalism and personally do not ever fall into the trap of poisoning my body with pharmaceutical drugs.  I truly live the ethics principles that I have come to embrace.  This is not just for commercial value!

Conscious Consultancy Group

My husband and I started Conscious Consultancy Group several years back, as we had a demand from humanitarian, savvy and forward thinking parties, for our experience and services.  Our clients have ranged from small, upstart businesses to international humanitarian foundations, including those who receive grants and funding from organisations such as the United Nations.  We only work with parties who work from the highest interpersonal ethics, and who present strong morals in their operational practices… But must importantly, we like to work with people who share the same fundamental imperative as we do, which is the creation of a free, fair, peaceful, just, sustainable, non-toxic world.

We have on occasion gotten sucked in by people who seize upon our talents in the hopes of profiting from our services, our experience, our social equity and our vast international networks, and needless to say, that these people were somewhat lacking in various ways, with regards to their morals and ethics.  We have tried to be accommodating of such parties, as part of our awareness and savvy when it comes to people is that we are fully aware that we all evolve at our own pace, and indeed, it is not up to us to judge anybody as lesser for not being at the same place as we are in our knowledge, personal evolution or spiritual growth.  Unfortunately, we have on a few occasions made the mistake of being too forgiving of certain people’s lack in certain areas of morality, and this mistake has cost us dearly.  There have been times when money has been tight, and we had no choice but to take a client or project that we knew fully well, did not match up to our standards and principles, and always in the end, it comes back to bite us hard.

What I have come to realise is that there is right and there is wrong… and no, that is not me being a judgemental intellectual snob.  That is fact.  When you have reached a certain level of knowledge and awareness, and you know what heals and what harms, when you know what contributes to the problem and what is part of the solution, there is no excuse for making bad choices with the excuse of ignorance or naivety.  When you knowingly make bad choices, karma gets you one way or the other.

There is a spiritual war going, a war for our souls, and every choice and every action has a consequence, which ripples through our reality, and eventually comes back on us!

Peace Love Unity Respect

Mel Ve








XENOPHOBIA – Being born in South African, and having lived there for the first 23 years of my life, I grew up with an inculcated knowledge of what racism and separatism is.  I was part of the Rainbow Nation generation that shunned racist attitudes, and embraced the diversity of a rich multi cultural nation.  I come from a country that has 11 official languages, of which I can only really speak English properly, and moderate amounts of Afrikaans and Zulu.  There is no more diverse a place than South Africa.

Mel Ve in the Algarve


The very province that I grew up was called Natal (now known as Kwa-Zulu Natal – the region of the Zulu Nation), because it was named by the Portuguese on Christmas day – ‘Natal’ is the Portuguese word for ‘Christmas’.  The the town I grew up in, there are as many Portuguese restaurants as their are Italian or Chinese.  In fact, my first part time job when I was a student was working in a Portuguese restaurant owned by a family friend.

Indeed, the Portuguese have left an indelible mark of influence on various parts of Southern Africa, including our neighbouring country of Mozambique, which was once colonised by the Portuguese.  In fact, there are many people from Mozambique, and indeed, South Africa, who now live in Portugal.  For this very reason, I always find it so rude and hypocritical  when Portuguese people exhibit xenophobic attitudes, which manifest in various ways, most often an intolerance or unwillingness to communicate in any other language except Portuguese.  I can’t tell you how many times I have heard xenophobic toned phrases such as “You are in Portugal, learn to speak Portuguese”, or “If you don’t like it, go back to your own country” or “You are in Portugal, you must be like the Portuguese”, amongst many other xenophobic toned missives.  I am who I am and I am not changing who I am for anybody, no matter where I live.

Vasco da Gama’s departure from Portugal in 1497


The Portuguese are more than happy to take the money of foreigners, but if we don’t speak their language or bow to their whims, they often treat us like second rate citizens based on the fact that you are foreign.  The Portuguese people are very quick to forget the facts of their own history, that the riches (now diminished) of their nation was made upon the colonisation and exploitation of foreign lands, and and lets not forget state sanction attack, theft and looting of foreign ships, lands and people, also know as pirating, colonisation and slavery.  The Portuguese invaded and took over territories in South America (modern day Brazil), West Africa (modern day Angola) and Southern Africa (modern day Mozambique).  Their language and Catholic religion was forced upon indigenous populations, who were pushed off their lands, enslaved and forced into speaking Portuguese and becoming Catholic, or they were persecuted, if not executed.  The Portuguese forced themselves on foreign lands and people, and the indelible mark of this conquest and invasion has never disappeared.  For example, in Brazil, the national language is still Portuguese, as opposed to the native language of the indigenous tribes that the Portuguese genocided in order to colonise the gold rich region of Brazil.


When you take the history of the Portuguese into account, the hypocrisy of their xenophobia becomes all too obvious.  And yet… And yet I have never experienced more xenophobia / racism anywhere I have ever travelled, as I have here in Portugal.  In fact, they seem to be stuck in the same sort of paradigm as Apartheid era South Africa, which is tragic, because I honestly thought the world had moved on from such stifling attitudes.  If I walk down the street and I wear a funny looking outfit… then it is because I am foreign.  If I walk down the street and I do something out of the ordinary like push a pink pet stroller full of kittens, then I am strange because I am foreign.  If I question the ridiculous Covid measures such as lockdown and mandatory mask wearing, then I am problematic because I am foreign.  I am a foreigner, and that is supposedly the problem.  It is always chalked up to that, and to be honest, it gets very frustrating dealing with such small mindedness and ignorance.  Another thing that is uber frustrating is how Portuguese speaking people assume that we are stupid just because we may not be fluent in their language, and that they can pull any scam on us because we must be stupid enough to fall for it, as we don’t speak Portuguese.

What about the fact that I am a human being, as are we all?  Surely that counts for something?

On the beach in the Algarve


The bottom line is, we are all foreigners somewhere.  We were born with feet, not to stand still, but to move around.  At some stage some people will cross the boundary line from one country into another, and go from being a ‘National’ to being a ‘Foreigner’.  In fact, there is an entire multi-billion dollar industry called “The Travel Industry”, that exists to facilitate the human desire to explore the world.  Some people just pass through foreign lands, others meet lovers, life long partners, husband and wives, get jobs etc, and end up staying in lands that they were not born in, as was the case with myself.  I met my Dutch husband of 20 years, whilst I was in London, and never went back to South Africa.  Life happens.   That is just the way of our reality.  That was the reality for many Portuguese people who also crossed the seas to conquer foreign lands.


In the end, it does not matter where I come from.  I do not identify with an inculcated external locus of identity such as nationality.  I am a human being, and I view all other people as human beings.  I do not judge people for their skin colour, nationality, their cultural outlooks, their economic circumstances.  I do however judge people by their behaviour and how they treat others irrespective of who they are or where they come from.  I operate at the highest levels of integrity, and work with incredible people across the world in my various humanitarian projects, which have been ongoing for over a decade.  I have learned from these amazing people, exactly what kind of person I want to be, and from toxic, ignorant, small minded people, I have learned exactly what I do not want to be.

My kitties in their pink stroller at the beach

I have chosen always to be an ethical and kind person.  I am ever so blessed to have an amazing husband, and an even more amazing family of kitty children which go all over with us including the local beaches, a fact that amazes almost everyone we encounter.  I have such strong grounding forces of love in my life, that I have been able to transcend the hatred, anger and resentment that is rotting the souls of many people, and that they project onto others in an attempt to self soothe.  I am ever so grateful for the love bubble that I live in.

I come from a wealthy, high profile family, with no less than three Prime Ministers in my lineage, and, with a brother being the Captain of the South African Water Polo team.  Despite my privileged upbringing, which was at times subject to snobbish exclusionary attitudes of the elite set within which I involuntarily found myself, my aim always is never do anything to deliberately cause anybody loss or harm.  I do however always speak my truth, and in my capacities as an Independent Investigative Journalist, and in my pursuit of a free, fair, peaceful, just sustainable, non-toxic world, I expose con artists and corrupt people, practices and businesses who may fall upon my path of discovery, particularly if they knowingly and unapologetically cause loss and / or harm to others.  At no point do I ever set out to harm anybody deliberately, but I will speak out against those who cause harm, and nationality, background, skin colour has nothing to do with it.  This is something that comes from a soul level.  Humanitarianism is colourless, borderless and universal.

The bottom line is, I do not believe that it is appropriate to be marginalised or discriminated just because I or anybody else, living or visiting Portugal, is not Portuguese.  That racist / xenophobic / separatist dogma is the very root of contempt that rots and destroys the beautiful state of soul connection within humanity.  In my humble view, people who engage in racist / xenophobic / separatist behaviours, should be punished by law.   In fact, according to Article 15 of the Portuguese Constitution, it states that foreigners who reside in Portugal have the same rights as Portuguese nationals.  At no point is it right for any Portuguese national to treat any foreigner with contempt for being foreign.

It is spiritually and emotionally immature to diminish anybody’s worth, or treat people as lesser, just because they are not the same as you.  Diversity in all it’s forms, should be embraced and nurtured, for in nature, it is diversity and evolution and adaptation, which prevents extinction.

FACT: If we were all exactly the same, we would not survive biologically as a species beyond a generation or two.

Perhaps it is time that we all stop being negative, nasty and ugly to our fellow human beings, for how has that ever benefitted anybody in the long run.  A simple shift in focus is needed, where we choose to see the similarities in people, instead of judging people as lesser, bad or wrong, for being different in some way… Because, at the end of the day, the true beauty of humanity is that we all want the same things…  we all want to be free, and we all want to be loved.  It is time we unite on our common ground, and never forget the simple inalienable truth, which is simply this:


Peace Love Unity Respect

Mel Ve






OUTSIDE THE BOX |I have always been different.  From a young age my Mother tried to squeeze me into a beige square box, when I was a rainbow coloured, star shape covered in glitter.  The struggle to be true to my uniqueness and individuality, has been a constant challenge throughout my life.  I have never been a conformist, and I have never felt the need to fit in.  I have for the most part of my adult life, openly and honestly questioned that which does not make sense.  I have always had a different outlook on the world, and after some paradigm shifting, life changing experience, I realised that I had a specific purpose in it, the nature of which, shall not be the subject of this blog.


Being driven by heart, talent and instinct, I try always to feel like I am leading not following.  When I have started to get distracted by people on the left or the right, I lose that clarity of thought.  I have always been one to focus on the facts, and not get distracted or influenced by this one to the left, or this other one to the right, because in the end, your truth and your choices have to come from who you are.  The only truth you know, is the truth you find for yourself, and you ultimately have to take responsibility for your decisions.  True integrity comes from owning your decisions, owning who who you are, and doing it without apology.  That may smack of arrogance to some people, or even just a lack of diplomacy to the snowflake types, but that is the point.  Diplomacy is nothing more than the external locus of identity created to mask our real feelings.  Diplomacy is for those that lack integrity, a way of lying silently, much like political correctness.  It takes real strength and confidence to call a spade a spade, wholeheartedly, and unapologetically, irrespective of whose precious ego may get bruised.

There have been those who have held me in very high reverence for the creative renderings upon my purpose path.  Indeed, I have an international fan base who read my books, watch my documentaries, listens to my interviews and who learn from the many bodies of academic research which I have published, some of which include doctors, professors, anthropologists, historians, as well as other accomplished researchers.  Those who appreciate my work are amongst the most intelligent, awake, forward thinking and savvy people on the planet…. But sadly, that is a very small percentage of people.  The vast majority of people are caught up in a vicious circle of toxic drivel and small mindedness, and are too consumed with their own narcism to actually reach a higher level of awareness and understanding about the true nature of our reality.




Not so long ago, I had to address spurious rumours set forth on a local community forum, which alleged that my husband and I were stealing cats, due to the fact that my kitty children are taken for walks and beach outings in a pink pet stroller.  Some pathetic so and so had taken pictures  of my husband and I, walking down the street, with three of our kitty children in a pram, and one on his shoulder.  Now I realise that to most people, this is rather unusual, as I have never ever seen anybody else doing this, and I have lost count of the amount of times we have been stopped by people who are amazed that we do this.  Indeed, it seems to bring endless joy to people to see kitties in a pink pram, or playing on the beach sand.  Just the mere fact that we are able to do this with cats is a testament to our characters, as cats are energetically sensitive.  If we were were bad or cruel people, we would not be able to have this relationship with our kitty children.  Often people ask how we have managed to train them, and I explain that it takes patience and love.  Cats cannot be disciplined by spanking or shouting a them, as most people tend to do with dogs.  The key is to developing a relationship and bond with them based on trust and love.

More recently, I have a been told by locals that there are toxic people whom I have parted ways with due to how toxic they are, who know precisely for a fact that I take my cats out to the beach in a stroller, and who have been present with me on occasion during my beach visits, and who have after our parting of ways, gone around telling locals that we steal cats and babies, which is why (or so they claim) we walk around with a pink stroller.  The reality is, no babies have ever been reported missing in my local area of Carvoeiro whilst we have lived there.  The GNR (Portuguese Military Police) have never had a report against my husband and I to that effect, and we have never been questioned about such matters with regards to any such occurrences.  The local GNR have our contact details, and they know who we are, and how to get hold of us, and they would contact us if they had any need to do so.

Making such a false claim such as child abduction is a seriously slanderous act.   Article 180 of the Portuguese Criminal Code which punishes defamation (difamação), and which is defined as alleging a fact or formulating a judgment (or reproducing such) about a third person that is offensive to that person’s honour or reputation – with up to six months in prison or a fine of 240 days.

Furthermore, being rather proficient in law, as my husband has a degree in International and Commercial Law, and having worked with a number of international humanitarian projects, we are quite familiar with legal precedent of CORPUS DELICTI, which is a Latin legal term which references ‘body of the crime’.  CORPUS DELICTI is a term from Western jurisprudence referring to the principle that a crime must be proved to have occurred before a person can be convicted of committing that crime.  For example, it is impossible to charge someone with murder, if there is no corpse, hence the term ‘body of the crime’.  In much the same way, it is impossible to charge someone with child abduction, if nobody no child has gone missing, or been reported as missing.  Those toxic people who felt the need to spread such ugly rumours that we are stealing babies in our pink pet stroller, have done so without any evidence of any crime having occurred, rather they have come up with the most lurid allegations they could in order attempt to tarnish us in the eyes of the local community, due to the previous exposes I have done which has detailed some rather disgusting and criminal behaviour on their part.  The motivation for spreading such false rumours is rooted in revenge, as there is absolutely no truth to them at all.

The sad reality however is, that the vast majority of people out there are utterly stupid, ignorant, brainwashed and soul sick, not to mention, so negatively polarised, that they can’t help themselves but to act out negatively and project ugliness onto others in an attempt to self soothe.  This is not an attempt to elevate myself by belittling anybody else, rather this is a genuine observation based upon years of experience, of psycho-social analysis, of interaction with people from many different cultures, social demographics and backgrounds.  In all honesty, I can’t really blame them people for being so messed up in their heads.  This world is so utterly twisted, that the majority of people out there are suffering from some form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).


I come from a tight knit community on the beautiful East Coast of South Africa, where I lived for 23 years.  My decision to spread my wings and go abroad to London, was partly rooted in the need to escape the small town mentality, where one was judged for being different or not conforming to the narrow minded expectations of others.  One of the most liberating things for me about going to London, was that nobody knew me, and I knew nobody, and thus, I did not care what anybody else thought of me, and nobody cared enough to try to pigeon hole me into their ideologies.  In fact in London, I could be anything I wanted to be, as there were so many different types of people running around, that my uniqueness was pale in comparison to some.  I especially loved hanging out in places like Camden Town due to the vast artistic diversity of people who frequented, lived and worked there.  I never felt like a total freak there, because there were far crazier, and more freakier people than I, in the various corners of Camden Market.  Equally, I embraced my move to Holland, with it’s open minded attitudes and liberal policies.  I mostly lived in the Hague on the beach front, which is was a great part of the world to be for a while.

The down side to living in big cities as opposed to small communities, is the actual lack of community feeling.  Indeed, in some places we lived, we never ever saw or met our neighbours.  For a while this was something I just lived with, but eventually the disconnection begins to eat away at your soul, and thus, I began to crave the community feeling which in my youth, I had found so stifling and suffocating.

When we moved to the Algarve in July 2017, I really embraced the community feeling that was missing in the big city environments.  I started to participate in local markets, not because I needed the revenue, but because I wanted to integrate into the local community.  I never forgot how moved I was the very first time I attended the Barao de Sao Joao market (formerly known as the Hippie Market) which used to take place on the forth Sunday of every month.  I remember thinking to myself, “I want in on this scene”, because of the intense community spirit that was so prevalent.  Sadly, this market has all but been ended for various reasons, in March 2019, but the year that we participated in the market, was one of the best years of my life.  I also regularly participated in Lagoa Bio Market, whilst it was still running, along with various events and festivals such as FAVA vegan food festival.  I met so many interesting people, and I totally embraced the out of the box, artistic, alternative community vibe of people looking to create a better world.

I have lived in Lagoa and Carvoeiro since I arrived in the Algarve four years ago.  Despite the many wonderful times we have had, places we have been to, and people we have met, we have also had some real challenges, which I have chronicled in my various blog posts such at THE TOLL OF 2020, THE TOLL OF 2021, CBD SCAMMERS STRIKE AGAIN, EXODUS and FROM ROTTEN ROOTS COME ROTTEN FRUITS, the latter of course detailing the root and source of many of the issues and rumours that I have dealt within this blog post, and indeed, which connects to many of the other issues we have experienced.

It almost feels as if there has been a concerted effort in an attempt to bully us out of town.  The problem with that is that the toxic nasties underestimate us.  We are far too strong for them, because we know one simple secret about life: THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS OUT LIVE A LIE.  No matter what they say in an attempt to hurt our reputation, they can’t hurt us, because the people that matter, know the truth.

It is only the bottom feeding scum who would seize upon such false filth and give it any space within their sick realities.  People with integrity and intelligence look for proof, truth and fact, and in the end, it is only people with integrity who’s opinions actually matter.  And besides, I honestly do not care what anybody thinks or says about me.  I know I live a life of utmost integrity… And when I go to bed at night, I go happy and I sleep peacefully.  I like the person I see when I look in the mirror, and ultimately, I know who I am.

Despite all that, I have stuck it out here, because I really wanted to make it work within a small community setting.  Despite some of the challenges and nastiness we have had to face, I still believe that as a community, we are stronger.  It is not just the hatred of foreigners I have experienced from Portuguese people, it is nastiness amongst the Expat community too, which has been rather appalling, and I am not the only one who has noticed it.  There are quite a few sensitive souls who will not even socialise with their fellow local expats, due to their toxicity.  Alcohol abuse, drug abuse, spouse and child abuse, criminal activity, gossip, bad lifestyle and life choices plague many within the Algarve Expat community.  This place is paradise, but paradise comes at a price.  One has to literally fight through a hoard of pirates before they find their blissful corner of the paradise.

But in the end, when you stand in your truth and hold your head up high, nothing can touch you, rather those that try to bring you down, do more damage to themselves as they expose their true nature.  I just feel sorry for them.  It must be hard to be that toxic and soul sick, and I hope they find inner peace someday.

Peace Love Unity Respect

Mel Ve 

The King and I








SMART BEAUTY | Having recently celebrated my 45th birthday, I was inundated with wishes from family, friends, associates, connections and followers of my work, from around the world.  In the age of social media, it great that we can keep in touch and celebrate the milestones with people globally.  However, what really blew me away, was how many compliments I was getting about how good I look for my age.  Sure I could probably drop about 10 pounds, but in all honesty, I feel better than ever, and most surprisingly, I feel like my skin has gotten younger in recent times, and most noticeably so.  Considering how much I love the sun, this is somewhat of a surprise.

The skin is the largest organ of the body, and absorbs up to 70% of what ever is put on it, including moisturisers, sunscreen, make-up and environmental toxins that may be in the air.  The skin is the first place that that ageing and disease is evident, and also the canvas upon which stress is painted.

Having been through some great personal challenges over the past few years, I had begun to notice how tired and worn out my skin was looking a few months back… that is until I found REAKIRO.  After doing an expose on bad CBD manufacturers and distributors, I was connected with REAKIRO, who were kind enough to send me some samples of their products to trial, some of which I have already reviewed.  After a few weeks of using a combination of various REAKIRO products, I could not help but notice just how smooth my skin had become, and how much it glowed.  This is attributable to a combination of GODDESS SATIVA DAY & NIGHT CREAMS, which contain full spectrum CBD, as well as the daily consumption of REAKIRO‘s OMEGA 3 capsules, which also contain full spectrum CBD.

My video blog 


After using GODDESS SATIVA DAY & NIGHT CREAM for several weeks, there was a noticeable improvement in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on my face.  In recent years I have given up on anti-ageing creams, as many of them contained toxins.  I am super skeptical of anything that claims to be anti-ageing, and in fact, I had given up using skin creams for some time, opting for organic coconut oil instead, as there is very little regulation on what goes into personal care cosmetics used on the skin, and many products that people use daily do more damage long term, than good.

When REAKIRO initially sent me samples to trial, I was delighted that they had CBD contained in the formula, as the Endocannabinoid system is present in the skin, and I have found boundless enhancement to my life through the usage of good quality CBD…But in all honesty, I did not expect to get such positively surprising results in the appearance of my skin after using REAKIRO‘s products.  Initially, I wrongly judged and made the assumption that perhaps REAKIRO’s SATIVA GODDESS range was just a nice after thought, an addition to an already excellent CBD range… but how wrong I was.  I have been absolutely blown away by the results of the GODDESS SATIVA  DAY & NIGHT CREAM combination.


After a day at the beach, I find my skin needs an extra moisture boost, and that is when I reach for the GODDESS SATIVA ARGAN OIL PEELING MASK, which is ultra hydrating, and leaves the skin super soft and supple.

My husband Biggi and I

It has become a firm favourite for my husband too, who really suffers from irritation after close shaves, as he has a sensitive baby like skin.  Usually I have to chase after my husband to give give him a facial mask, but I have been most surprised that he comes to me to ask me to apply the GODDESS SATIA ARGAN OIL PEELING MASK.

I absolutely love the GODDESS SATIVA ARGAN OIL PEELING MASK, but it must be noted that from my personal point of view, I have found this mask to be more of an ultra hydrating facial treatment than a peel.  It is a truly great treatment for dry, tired or irritable skin, giving it an instant boost of freshness and elasticity.


Skin care products on their own will not do you any good if you toxify your body and have a careless lifestyle.  Apart from a good skin care regime using quality products, it is also important to maintain skin health from the inside.  To maintain optimal skin health, one should drink 2 litres of good quality water with a pH of 7 or above, as well as consuming at least 5 fruit / vegetables a day in raw form, either whole or juiced.

Consider these skin-friendly foods:
  • Carrots, apricots, and other yellow and orange fruits and vegetables.
  • Spinach and other green leafy vegetables.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Berries.
  • Beans, peas and lentils.
  • Salmon, mackerel and other fatty fish.
  • Nuts.


The main reason fatty fish is good for the skin, is due to the Omega 3 oils present in them.  Thankfully REAKIRO make a really good OMEGA 3 FORMULA which also contains full spectrum CBD.  It is the combination of the OMEGA 3 FORMULA, along side the SATIVA GODDESS DAY & NIGHT CREAM which has literally de-aged me within a few weeks.  The benefits of OMEGA 3 for the skin are well documented, and it also helps with numerous other areas of health such as for the heart, brain, and in the treatment of depression and anxiety.



Being the awesome innovators that they are, REAKIRO have brought out there most exciting product yet, being their CBD GUMMIES.  They are very tasty, sweet, fruity flavour with a distinct hemp after flavour, and they have proven to be an absolute winner when we have shown them to people.  This is such an innovative way to get your daily dose of CBD, particularly for those who may not like the taste of the oils, or may not like taking capsules.  The folks at REAKIRO have really got an epic new product here, and we absolutely loved them.

CBD Gummies with my daily espresso and fresh orange juice

From the REAKIRO website:

“CBD Gummies have become one of the best, most popular and convenient ways of taking CBD at any point in your day.  They are easy to carry in their own resealable bottle, so you need not worry about them staying fresh or leaking. Additionally, their size and form make them incredibly discreet to take.  So if you’re out and about, in the gym or in the office, you will not draw any attention to yourself.”





I have been so inspired by the CBD GUMMIES, that I decided to try my hand and using REAKIRO’s CBD products in my own delicious confectionary creations, and thus, I decided to make CBD chocolates.

REAKIRO’s RAW HEMP EXTRACT in my daily espresso at the beach

I opted for REAKIRO’s RAW HEMP EXTRACT, in the chocolates, as I loved the way the flavour infused with my daily espresso.  There is something tantalising about the infused flavour of raw hemp mixed with roasted bean.  This is what gave me the idea to try REAKIRO’s RAW HEMP EXTRACT with chocolate, as cocoa also comes from a roasted bean.  Making CBD filled chocolates was actually much easier than I thought, and I thoroughly loved this experiment, but most importantly, REAKIRO’s RAW HEMP EXTRACT tastes absolutely amazing with with chocolate.  The only problem is to manage my urge to eat more than one at a time, as the recommended dosage of CBD should not be exceeded.



When I post these blogs, I often get asked if I am selling REAKIRO‘S products.  No I am not selling REAKIRO‘s products.  I simply endorse their products.  I am a Conscious Consumer, with many years experience in trialling and reviewing smart products, companies and creators, having written for magazines and been involved in product development for my own companies at various points in my life.  I am also a Herbalist and Naturopathic Practitioner, and an advocate of natural medicine.  I run courses in Herbalism and create my own artesian products.  When I was introduced to REAKIRO, I was delighted to finally find the company I wish I had created.  REAKIRO embodies everything I hold dear in terms of ethics, innovation and conscious entrepreneurship.  REAKIRO is indeed leading the way for the CBD industry with their ethical approach and innovative products and projects, and it is my greatest honour to be associated with them.

Peace Love Unity Respect

Mel Ve


Milestones & Reflections

Milestones & Reflections | The last week of May is always a time of celebration in our home, but this year was particularly special, as we marked some pretty epic milestones.

Mel & Biggi’s wedding day May 2001

I turned 45 as well as celebrating my 20th Wedding Anniversary with the man I have shared my life with for the past two decades.  With such milestones being reached, I took some pause for thought, about who I am, what I have become, and the life I have lived so far.


Being born in the year of the Fire Dragon, I have always been extremely passionate, and indeed at times, rather firey.  I have had to learn to tame my temper, and develop patience in order to navigate an awfully imperfect world fraught with challenges of every kind.  Although I was always a bit of a rebel within my conservative upper class upbringing, always trying to break out of the pre-determined mould, I have been all too surprised, not always in a good way, at the true nature of our reality, and the perversities therein.

Much of what I was taught growing up, about the world we live in, turned out to be untrue, as I discovered in my journey thus far.  To be fair, I was never going to be one of those people who just blindly believe everything they read in the papers or watch on the nightly news.  For indeed, I was also born with much curiosity and intelligence, which has lead me to seek and find the true meaning of life, and the truthful nature of our reality, and what a journey that has been, and fortunately, for the most part, I have not had to do it alone.

Mel & Biggi

I have been blessed to find my soul mate, my husband Biggi, who has been with me through the darkest moments of my soul, and never lost site of the person he fell in love with, no matter what personal demon I was slaying, as I have had to do regularly throughout my upbringing.  I know I am not easy.  Coming from a privileged background, I was naturally spoilt and a bit of a diva when he first came into my life, but the down to earth nature of my husband, has grounded me, and brought me into the perfect balance between having standards, and being humble.  The best part about my husband Biggi, is how he has never stifled my growth, and allowed me to fulfil my true purpose in life.  From my superficial media career, to my awakening process, to the many amazing projects we have launched together, he has never stood in the way of what it is I came here to do.  In fact, he has facilitated it and joined in this amazing journey of growth and awakening, evolving into his own unique being, and unleashing his magnificent potential.

Our journey has taken us to far flung places, as we have travelled the world in an attempt to find ourselves, then losing ourselves before finally finding ourselves again.  In fact, if I had to share some of the many epic stories of our adventure, most would not believe the things we have seen, the interesting and often crazy people we have met, and the many people we have had the privilege to learn from in both a negative and positive context.  Indeed, some of the biggest lessons we have learned have come from some very negative experiences.  And thus, you live, you learn, you grown.

Many a person has tried to cause conflict or come between us over the years, but at this juncture, we are still here and going strong, and feeling better than ever before.  We live a good life, an honesty and integrity filled life, and we do our utmost to ensure our activities are always aimed at creating a fair, peaceful, just, sustainable, non-toxic world.  This has however meant quite some sacrifice over the years, of both comforts and connections, as we have had to rid ourselves of distracting and toxic vices, and indeed, distracting and toxic people.  There is unfortunately no shortage of narcissistic, soul sick people in the world, who all but vampire energy in various ways, from inspiring and talented people that they wish they wish they could be.

When I look back over it all now, the many challenges we have triumphed over, the many places we have travelled, the many crazy and exciting adventures we have had, I can only express love and gratitude for every moment, whether they were good or bad.  Despite many ups and downs, we are at a place where we are happy together, and at peace with ourselves.  Our lives are simple and humble, but beautiful, and I am happy with whom I have become, and the loving, ethical life that I have worked so hard to forge…  And nothing and nobody can take that away from us, no matter how hard they try, because in the end, LOVE CONQUERS ALL!


Peace Love Unity Respect

Mel Ve










Exodus | It has been over a month since I last updated this blog with the goings on my reality.  Let me start off by saying that  as I write this post, I am in a good space… No, I am in a fantastic space.  Life could not be better for my family and I right now.  I honestly do not recall a time in my life when I was this happy, content, secure and living in abundance on all levels.  You see, life in contrast is a beautiful thing, and it is when we go through some of the darkest periods of our life, that we so appreciate the light at the end of the tunnel.

I never regret leaving Holland and moving to the Algarve, but the move here has been somewhat challenging, with the last year and a half especially due to various hectic circumstances in the wake of Covidity adding to the complications, and resulting in further stress and difficulty whilst attempting to settle in a foreign country with a foreign language.

For those who have followed my journey via my various online posts which have chronicled the extreme circumstances of my living situation, you will know some of the hectic drama I have been subjected to.  We did eventually manage to relocate from our previous residence to a lovely modest villa with a garden for my Kitty children, and it is even closer the beach than the cursed apartment in Monte Dourado, where we had suffered so unfortunately at the hands of the management company Inter-Real, and the property owner Evelyn Simon.

My husband and I

After being attacked, assaulted and injured in the Monte Dourado apartment, in the middle of the night by a gang of 6 thugs paid to intimidate and harass us by Inter-Real under instruction from Evelyn Simon, which was orchestrated with the specific purposes of intimidating us to leave the property, we began the process of moving our possessions slowly across to our new home which belongs to a friend of ours, and who kindly let us move across slowly to minimise the stressful impact of our situation following on from the attack.  The really ironic thing is, we had already made arrangements to relocate to our new premises prior to the orchestrated attack, and if Evelyn Simon / Inter-Real had just bothered to try to communicate with us in a nice way, they would have been informed of the situation, and it would not have been necessary for them to further put themselves in a situation where they have had further criminal charges added to their wrap sheet.  We had always intended to move at the beginning of May 2021, as May is a special month for us, as I celebrate my birthday and our 20th Wedding Anniversary, and we did not want to be in the grips of these toxic people and the toxic situation they had created for us.

The final kicker, and really, to add insult to injury, following on from the orchestrated attack on us, Inter-Real changed the access code for the apartment block / building, and refused to give it to us whilst we still lived there.  That meant that someone always had to be inside the apartment to let people in to the building.  I became a prisoner for the last three weeks of living in that apartment, and it made moving particularly difficult.  The true sickness of this is that Evelyn Simon and Inter-Real were so desperate to get rid of us that they hired a gang of thugs to attack us in our sleep in the middle of the night in order to intimidate us into leaving, but they made leaving even more difficult than it needed to be.  Fortunately we have a good relationship with some of people who own properties in this apartment block, and they gave us the new code to the building without hesitation and in complete disgust for Inter-Real and their behaviour.  In fact, the owner of Inter-Real, Mino Perdigao A. K. A. “The Poison Dwarf” (a nickname I have heard repeated by many a Carvoeiro resident) saw my husband from across the street, (where she where she was berating the painter in her usual abusive manner) and near enough ran into oncoming traffic to see if my husband was entering the building using the new entrance code, which clearly she did not want us to have.  Mino Perdigao, A. K. A. “The Poison Dwarf” then sat in her black BMW for some time watching the door to see if we were accessing the building with the entrance code, and we even filmed her doing it.  Once she realised that we now had evidence of her stalking us, the next day Mino Perdigao got another member of her abused staff to sit in a grey vehicle across the road, all day for several days, watching us come in and out the building, recording and monitoring our movements… Such a desperate act, and for what purpose?  For pure intimidation purposes by means of psychological harassment.  The Poison Dwarf’s behaviour and actions were as sad and desperate as she is.

It was interesting to learn through this entire process, just how despised Mino Perdigao and her company Inter-Real are in the community of Carvoeiro.  Inter-Real manages many apartment blocks and properties in the neighbourhood, and have been running now for 25 years.  Their 25 year reign of terror has left a long list of victims and very unhappy people who have been all too keen to share their horror stories which they shared with us.  I have learned that Mino Perdigao’s clients all hate her, and nobody I spoke to about our situation has had anything but contempt to utter about this lady and her company.  Many of these people I spoke with still have property or dealings with Inter-Real, and thus I shall not share their stories our of respect for these people, but there are plenty who have suffered at the hand of Mino Perdigao and her company Inter-Real.

Mino Perdigao, A. K. A. “The Poison Dwarf”

I even have accounts from former employees about the abusive, dangerous, toxic and narcissistic behaviour of this woman, which is why she has such a high turn over of employees.  The cleaners that work for Inter-Real are petrified of Mino Perdigao.  What was also interesting to note whilst dealing with the GNR (Portuguese Military Police) during our process of reporting the crimes perpetrated against us by Mino Perdigao and her company Inter-Real, is just how aware the GNR were / are of the problem that this woman is or has been in the local community over the years.  When we reported the attack on us to the GNR, they asked who the management company was, and it was interesting to note the discussion and body language that went on between the various attending GNR taking our statement.  The moment we mentioned Inter-Real, the one GNR officer rolled his eyes and shook his head, as if to indicate that he was well aware of the despicable behaviour of rather toxic property management company and its owner.  We got the impression that this was just one of many case reports that had been made to the GNR over the 25 year period that Inter-Real had been operating in the neighbourhood.

My husband and I

We have now systematically disentangled ourselves from the toxic entities and people who latched onto us and created problems for us, directly and indirectly though the people they connected us to, for indeed, from rotten roots comes rotten fruits, and oh boy have we paid the price for opening our heart space to the wrong sort of people, most of whom have used us and gotten us into some pretty sticky situations as a result of our entanglement with such soul sick, bottom feeding lowlifes, and our time at Monte Dourado (a complex in Carvoeiro managed by Inter-Real) was one such cosmic gauntlet of utter hell which resulted from mixing with the wrong sort.  We are presently awaiting a court due to the criminal charges against Inter-Real and Evelyn Simon, so this saga is far from over, and we look forward to our day in court.

When we first moved to the Algarve, I totally dropped my guard and opened myself up to everything and everyone.  I do not know why I thought that people here would be any different from people in any other part of the world we had lived, but something about the sunshine and all the beautiful scenery gave me the misguided impression that the people who reside here, be they local or expats, would also all be beautiful and happy, but I was wrong.  I learned that if the grass seems greener on the other side, that is because there is more shit there.  I have however learned a valuable lesson:  It is okay to have high standards.

Having grown up in a wealthy home, I was always put off by the fact that my family were rather snobbish.  I was always put off by my Mother’s sneer or indifference at people who did not have money, and her disregard for people who exhibited what she termed as “low class behaviour”, or who were “unrefined” or “cheap”.  This is the typical mindset of the wealthy white privilege South African elitist.  Being part of the Rainbow Nation generation, I was more open minded and open hearted to people who had suffered poverty and deprivation, and perhaps, did not have as much of a refined upbringing as I had had.  I embraced people on a deeper level, not for their material superficialities, but for the soul inside.  I always tried to be different to the snotty mind set of the white privilege I had experienced in my youth, more open minded, and indeed, more open hearted and less judgemental in general to people of all backgrounds and cultures, hence why I have enjoyed the experience of travelling and living in many different countries.  However, the idealism of my youth has dwindled with age, not because I have become more judgemental and snobbish, but because the world has changed and so have the people.  The proportion of unkind, toxic, narcissistic people has exponentially sky-rocketed.  The reality we are now faced with is that the vast majority of people out there are utterly damaged due to the horrors of the world we now live in, and the majority of people are suffering some form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and as a result, they project that ugliness and violence onto others in their attempts to self soothe.  It is a rare few that have not been impacted physically and psychologically by the zeitgeist of our present time.

Fortunately, all is well with us and we are now in a very good space, and nobody and nothing can affect that.  We have grown so strong through adversity, and thus, I am in a way grateful to those who have attempted to cause us loss or harm.  Clearly they underestimated our intelligence, our strength, our resolve and our resilience.  As they say, “what does not kill you makes you stronger”, and we have come out the other side of all of this, stronger, wiser and better people… And for that, I am eternally grateful to those who have presented us with challenges.  You have made us better people at the end of this all.

Thank you for contributing to our growth.

Peace Love Unity Respect

Mel Ve